
Posts Tagged ‘quadruplets’

Our First Christmas Together!

We are still recovering from our long Christmas weekend. Whoa. It was wonderful to get to see our family, but the kids especially were worn out by the time it was over.



We started the weekend off with a visit from the babies’ Great-Grandpa and Great-Grandma Winn. The babies seemed to really enjoy the visit, and Ellie discovered that Great-Grandma wears necklaces that are really fun to chew on. 🙂

With Great-Grandparents Winn: Ellie, Caleb, Abby, and Eli

They brought a gift with them that was big enough to pile all of the babies on top of. Abby didn’t seem to get into the Christmas spirit as quickly as the others, but eventually, they all took turns tearing (really more like chewing) on the wrapping paper. They brought us one of those Super XL Play Yards. Or as I affectionately refer to it, “The Baby Cage. “ We’ve already started using it to corral the kids. Awesome gift because these little people are all over the place now!


What is this big box?Opening their first Christmas gift

Friday evening, my parents, brother Mike and his wife and daughter, and my two youngest brothers, Josh and Chris, came over for dinner. We decided to have a New Mexican Christmas dinner as a nod to our childhood. It’s so hard to find good Mexican food here in the Midwest, so we like to make it ourselves to make sure it is good. 🙂

New Mexican Christmas Dinner

I made Chicken Fajitas with homemade salsa and homemade guacamole.

I baked some bischochitos as well. They are the traditional New Mexican Christmas cookie. Made with brandy or white wine, rolled thin, and dipped TWICE in sugar and cinnamon. Yummy!


My Mom wrote down my grandma’s posole recipe while she was in Mesilla, New Mexico visiting last week. Cooked correctly, it takes a while to get that perfect flavor of pork, hominy, and red chili, but it is so worth it. Mom made her red chili sauce from scratch just like grandma used to do. She also brought a big pot of chile con queso (not rotel, mind you. I’m taking about the real stuff!)

Sarah brought Little Smokeys and Taquitos. Little Smokeys? That’s not technically Mexican, but every Christmas Eve, we had a potluck at my grandparents’ house and someone always brought Little Smokeys. It’s just not Christmas without them. The only food item that got a complaint were the Taquitos. Mike told Sarah that they weren’t quite right because she didn’t cut them in half for him like when we were growing up.

But, other than Mike’s small complaint, everyone thoroughly enjoyed skipping the Traditional Christmas Dinner, and going with the New Mexican version. Can you tell it was one of my favorite parts of the entire weekend??

Uncle Josh, Uncle Christopher, Grandpa, Cita, Daddy, Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Mike

There is even talk about making it a tradition from here on out. I’m totally on board with that!

The kids thought that the wrapping paper was the best part of the evening. Then they got to the toys and realized that Grandpa and Cita brought all toys that make noise. The kids LOVE the fact that they light up, move, and play music. (Sean and I are still coming to terms with the extra layer of noise in our house now.)

First Christmas!

Two of my siblings couldn’t make it back from Christmas, but we were lucky enough to get to Skype with my brother, Mark, from New Mexico (he moved back to the area that we grew up in). We wish that he could have made it here, but Skype is a good compromise!



Saturday afternoon, Sean’s parents, and sister Ruby and her husband and daughter came over for a traditional Christmas dinner. Ham, sweet potatoes, cheesy corn, rolls, and pumpkin pie. Another delicious meal! Which reminds me, I still need to get that cheesy corn recipe from Ruby. It was beyond amazing!

That was followed up by some Wii Bowling before we dug into pie and then into presents.


Pa, Cousin Marissa, Ma, and Daddy Playing the WiiCousin Marissa, Uncle Todd, and Aunt Ruby recovering from Christmas Dinner




So much for our kids not being spoiled! They were simply showered with toys, books, and clothes! But they are having a great time exploring all of their new items! Ellie was also held for two solid days, so we are still suffering from the ramifications of that. I didn’t really think it would be possible to spoil quadruplets. Uh…I was so wrong.



Abby, Cousin Mo, Eli, and Caleb looking at the Bilingual Learning Table from Uncle Todd and Aunt RubyEllie and Abby unwrapping a new book from Ma and Pa




Sunday morning, it was just our little family. How fun to have their first Christmas! Unfortunately, by the time we got to Sunday, they were completely done with anything related to Christmas. Sean and I didn’t do much in terms of gifts for them (consignment sales is where it is at!), but even the little we did was completely unnecessary after the windfall of gifts they got on Friday and Saturday. In fact, I collected all of the puzzles they got from us for Christmas, and I’m going to rewrap them as birthday gifts. Yep, I’m that kind of mom. I won’t be able to get away with that for long, but I’ll take it while I can!


The babies and their three days of loot



Post-Christmas Day

Monday morning, our kids who are usually awake and playing in their cribs by 8am, slept until we woke them up at 10am. We didn’t take them anywhere due to our lockdown, but apparently they were exhausted just from interacting with everyone.  Whew!


Eli and Caleb, tired but still playing...The only thing that Ellie wanted to do all day on Monday.This was not posed! Abby was just too worn out to play or crawl around anymore. Eli makes a nice pillow. 🙂


Even though we enjoyed our first Christmas together, all six of us need a break. I hate to say that I’m glad it’s over, but it’s nice to get back to the regular way our house runs.

But, I’m already looking forward to next year when our kids will be able to make Christmas crafts, eat Christmas Dinner with us at the table, help us decorate the tree, and start understanding the real reason for the CHRISTmas season!

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Cereal, Crawling, and Christmas is Coming

One week until Christmas!

I thought this year would be pretty low key with being on lockdown, but somehow, four babies have made for it being anything but that!

The kids are definitely keeping us crazy busy!

Caleb is such a sweetie, but he hasn’t done much in terms of moving from point A to point B yet. Why go to all that work when eventually someone will just make the move for him?? He rolls a lot though and gets up on his knees a bit. I imagine he is not too far behind the others. His favorite thing is giggling. He loves being tickled and sometimes he will just lie on the floor and laugh at his own private jokes. Hmm…reminds me a lot of his father.

We wish a little of his happiness would rub off on the kid that was born four minutes later.

Now that Abby has figured out how to crawl, she thinks she is a cat. If she wants to be picked up and one of us are sitting on the couch, she crawls over and rubs up against our legs…or head butts us. Whatever strikes her fancy, I guess. She also likes to lick our knees when we are down on the floor. I really don’t know what to do with that….

Happily though, she FINALLY decided to give up her oxygen. It was a surreal feeling packing up all of her monitors and supplies to go back to the medical company. For all intents and purposes, we have had a mobile NICU unit set up here, and suddenly, we were done. Nine long months of fighting to get them stable and breathing without support and **BAM** we’re finished. Not complaining, of course. It’s just such a strange thing to watch the gear that has accompanied us everywhere walk out the front door and then look down and realize that my daughter is officially unattached to it.

Elijah is doing what I like to call “The Injured Soldier Crawl.” He throws one arm out and then drags the other three limbs behind it. It’s kind of hilarious by itself, but the physical and occupational therapists are now zeroing in on him to develop core strength. That boy hates therapy like non-other. His therapists were telling me yesterday that most kids can be coaxed into doing their exercises after awhile, but not Eli. He is a total wet noodle, and does his best to stay that way. I think his unequivocal refusal to do anything is definitely challenging to his therapists. Other than that, he is the most laid-back, genuinely happy baby I’ve ever met.

I’m sure his sisters would be thrilled, though, if he would stop kicking them in the face. Yep, I’m already having to separate my kids.


Our runt. Ellie is a crazy little thing! She suddenly decided to start crawling a few days ago without any warning. When I left for the grocery store, she was just spinning around in circles. By the time I got back, she was crawling all over the place. There really was no lead up to it. She just decided she was going to start crawling and got down to business!

Always our high maintenance child, she is currently driving us both up the wall with her constant crying in the evening. She isn’t hungry, wet, dirty, cold, or in pain. She just wants to be held for hours on end. Even if Sean is playing on the floor with the kids, if he isn’t playing specifically with her, she screams about it. We try not to let her dictate how our evening goes since we have to get other things done too (like eat dinner), or play with our other kids, but we are kind of suckers. She gets held a lot. She’s a hoot though because when she is playing or laughing, she makes sounds like she is a lion. When she’s happy, she’s thrilled to be alive! And when she’s sad, we aren’t thrilled to be alive. Go figure.


I have to stop for a minute and ask, “Did you like the previous four photos?” We love them! They were taken by the same photographer, Debra, from Abundant Moments Photography who did the babies Newborn shoot. We are super lucky to have won that gift certificate! Woot! We now have a large print of our family and a large print of them all curled up together naked on our dining room wall (Don’t worry. The nakedness is tasteful. Everybody can still eat. 🙂 )

We still have another shoot or two in the next few months before we are done. We are talking about doing one either here at the house in their environment (once they can sit up by themselves) and/or a first birthday shoot. If you want to see her other work or are curious about her, you can go here.


These photos are treasures at our house!


Sean’s parents’ brought over the babies’ first Christmas tree last weekend, so we set about decorating it. In a bid to keep pine needles out of their mouths, the tree is sitting on our kitchen table on the other side of the gate. But for this photo, I asked Sean to move it into their play area. Sean’s mom also brought over Christmas pajamas, so we dressed them up and took their first Christmas photo.

A Christmas Elf, Santa Claus, A Reindeer, and The Kid who Thinks if She Stays up Long Enough She Will Catch Santa Coming Down the Chimney

(we haven’t had the heart yet to tell Ellie that we don’t have a fireplace or chimney in our living room).


One last treat for those of you who like to see videos of our kids. We have officially started rice cereal! We are taking it very slowly to give their digestive systems time to adjust, so we are sticking with just the cereal right now. Curious how that’s going? I’ll let the video speak for itself.

In case we don’t talk before then, we wish you a Very Merry Christmas!


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Happy Thanksgiving!

I love the look on Sean’s face in this picture! He can’t take a picture with his eyes open to save his life. Just to give you an idea, we took this picture NINE times to catch him with his eyes open. Eventually, we made him close his eyes and open them on the count of 3. Hence, the slightly crazed look on his face. Of course, the babies did great right from the beginning. 🙂

We spent the day with Sean’s family over here for dinner since we aren’t taking the babies out right now. Everyone brought a ton of food. In fact, I’m pretty sure there were twice as many dishes as there were people here! It was delicious and a wonderful way to spend the day! Other than tiring out, the kids did really well with the increased noise and number of people around. We considered it a success.

I want to keep this post brief, but wanted to throw out a quick update on the babies. They had their 9 month checkup this week. Everything is looking good and we now have the go ahead on baby food once the kids can sit up and seem to need the extra calories. The thing that blew us away though was how big they are getting! Look at their weights now!

Caleb:  15 lbs. 15 oz.

Abigail: 14 lbs. 3 oz.

Elijah: 16 lbs. 1 oz.

Elizabeth: 14 lbs. 1oz.

I think the boys in particular are glad that they were weighed. I couldn’t figure out why for the last week or so they have been waking up in the morning with leaky diapers. Turns out they were bigger than I thought! They’ve been sleeping more comfortably since we brought out the size 3’s. 🙂

We are thankful for each of you and the way that you have loved on our family over the past year! We hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving as well!

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Halloween Costume Photos

How sad is it that the stomach flu and being stuck in my room away from the babies is actually what provides me time to blog? I miss blogging, and I’m definitely a fan of a little break to recharge for my mom role, but this isn’t fun at all. Many thanks to Sean for staying home today to take care of our babies (and all of his coworkers/bosses for being so understanding and accommodating), to my own Mom who happily risked being exposed to help feed the babies, and to Cheryl for taking my call to walk me through proper precautions to protect the babies from myself.

This is the first day when I haven’t held my babies or fed them at all…I’m kind of at a loss. So weird. Hopefully tomorrow is back to normal. We definitely would appreciate prayers for protection for our babies though. They don’t have much of an immune system, so prayers sound like the best defense against the flu at this point.

You know how moms say that once the babies are born, you forget a lot of the pregnancy discomforts. Since I’ve spent the day puking and lying in bed…I can’t believe I didn’t remember every nuance of morning sickness and bed rest! Holy cow! I’m SO glad that part of my life is over. Of course, laying here has also served as a reminder of how our fellow believers lifted our little family up in prayer day after day. Again, you guys are the best!


Today is National Premature Awareness day. We have come so incredibly far! In a few short days, the babies will be 9 months old. Born at 2lbs 5oz, 2lbs 5oz, 2lbs 3oz, and 1lb 14oz, they are all now in the 13-15 pound range! We will be starting baby cereal in the next few weeks and we are teetering on the edge of having crawlers. We definitely have reached the scooting stage! Prematurity actually happens a lot more often than I ever realized. While having quads is rare, prematurity really isn’t. Just a couple of decades ago, our kids would have either not lived or would be suffering from much worse prematurity effects than they are now. I have to give a nod to March of Dimes which puts so much time and energy into researching prematurity, its effects, and how to prevent it. If you would like more information about prematurity, please go here: http://www.marchofdimes.com/mission/prematurity.html


Now that we are a week out from Thanksgiving, I’ll go ahead and post their Halloween pictures. I wanted to do something with four parts to it rather than individual costume ideas. So I chose to do The Four Seasons! I started making the costumes about a month in advance (keep in mind when I say “I made them” what I mean is that I safety pinned and hot glued stuff to some of their sleepers/jumpers).

Caleb was Winter, Ellie was Spring, Abby was Summer, and Elijah was Fall. 

Caleb in his Santa sleeper that I found at a consignment sale for $2.00! 

Abby in her going to the beach outfit for Summer. The pink onesie is supposed to be a “swimsuit” since I couldn’t find a real one (and I refused to buy one that she would outgrow by next summer). 

Caleb and Abby chilling in their costumes. 

Elijah in his pile of leaves. He was also referred to as Leaf Man. Lol! I hot glued fake leaves all over a sleeper to make this. He was a really good sport! 

I love the last photo that let you see his face, but this is the best one to show what his outfit was really like! 

Ellie in her Spring dress. I safety pinned fake flowers on it and on a head band so that she could be a little flower fairy…or something. 🙂 

So those were the first round of Halloween outfits. My SIL, Sarah, texted me a couple of weeks before Halloween with a GREAT idea! She is amazing at crocheting and offered to whip out four extra sock monkey outfits for our kids so that we could do a “Barrel of Monkeys” photo with all of the cousins! How cute is that? Not only did she make hats and leggings, she did it in each of their colors! THEN she helped me put the first round of costumes on everyone, strip, and put the second round of costumes on everyone. Obviously, I have a great SIL! AND she brought her camera and took some great photos of everyone!

Here is the first photo. The extra baby on the far right is Cousin Aly. It’s understandable that she was distracted with all of the extra noise. 🙂 





This is such a great photo of all of the cousins! Go ahead and put a caption on it! Clearly my kids are trying to figure out where the extra baby came from! 

And a couple of snapshots because they are just too cute!

Sean and I were eating dinner a couple of weeks ago and we looked over and saw the boys like this. We didn’t pose them. They were just hanging out like that watching us eat. 

And then this photo of me and Abby. I got down on the floor to play around on Pinterest (I DO NOT have enough craft time anymore!) and Abby wiggled up next to me to watch what I was doing. She even got in the same position as me! Too funny! Again, it wasn’t posed. 

And this precious photo of Ellie and her daddy. These kids absolutely LOVE being cradled in daddy’s arms!  

–Posted by Becca

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Rolling, Wiggling, and Giggling!

Hello blog world!

Apparently life only gets busier! I’ve been meaning to post for…oh….three weeks now. So updates and SO many pictures!

Caleb is rolling around on the floor these days, picking up toys, and traveling around on the floor to visit with all of his siblings. He gets a little bummed out sometimes if he doesn’t get a response from them. Such a precious little boy! When the others cry, he immediately tries to find out which of his sisters or brother is in trouble to see what’s going on. He gets the most concerned expression on his face and will stop playing or eating until everything is okay again. He is doing very well developmentally! He isn’t quite sitting up by himself yet, but with a little assistance, he does manage to balance himself using his arms and stay upright for a few seconds. He eats like a champ, and doesn’t spit up nearly as much as he used to. Thank goodness! He used to go by the nickname, Caleb the Erupter! Of course, now that he likes to take his pants off (see photo), he needs to be careful or he will end up with a new nickname!

Abby is our special baby right now (They are all special, but Abby is our ‘specially challenging one). We have really been struggling with her over the last few weeks with her eating. She has never been a very good eater, but recently she has been regressing. We literally force feed her these days while she tries to hit, kick, and knock the bottle out of our hands. We have begun using the “Abby Straight Jacket” (swaddle her from the neck down) in order to limit her movement. This is especially frustrating to us since we need her to grow so that she can get off of oxygen. That’s right. Our 7 ½ month old baby is STILL on oxygen support overnight and during naps. Now that her eating is getting worse, we are desperate to keep her weight moving in the right direction. We did admit her to Children’s Mercy for tests this week including an Upper GI and an Endoscopy. Neither showed anything wrong with her anatomy or tissue. Now we are waiting for biopsy results to come back in case there was something that couldn’t be seen with the x-ray or scope. It’s possible we just have a finicky eater, but we felt it prudent to be proactive. Other than her eating and breathing issues, Abby is an absolute star when it comes to development. Not only has she been rolling front to back the longest, she is also our happiest baby! She has no problem laying on the floor and chewing on her toys by herself, but if you catch her eye, she has the BIGGEST smile ready for you! She isn’t afraid of strangers at all and loves to share her sun-shiny personality with them. She is an obvious favorite with nurses!

Eli is such a cuddle bug! He is teething right now and quite a bit fussier than he usually is, but calms right down if he can just have a few minutes to cuddle. He has the most outrageous laugh out of the group! He easily smiles, but laughs are a little harder to come by. If we manage to get one of his scream/laughs out of him, Sean and I practically die! It’s hilarious! Video of Elijah laughing. He just started rolling back to tummy this week and we seriously can’t pin this boy down. Yesterday when I went to pick up Abby and Sean from the hospital, our helper, Cheryl, built a barricade with couch pillows because he kept rolling away. Today while we were feeding the girls, Elijah started rolling and by the time we got to him, he was in our dining room.  It’s amazing how fast these kids go from not doing something developmentally to us not being able to catch them!

Ellie has made vast improvements over the last 3 or 4 weeks. She developed an open wound and staph infection in her hemangioma about 5 or 6 weeks ago. The NICU follow-up doctor told us that she had never seen that happen before. Apparently, it just grew far too fast and became infected. We took her to the dermatologist and started doing wound dressings every night along with another oral medication to help control the growth. After about four days of treating it, Ellie was an entirely different baby! When we first brought her home, she cried so much, I thought I was going to go crazy. We thought it might be sensory related, but now we are thinking that her hemangioma may have played a part in it. Thankfully, the staph infection is gone and the hemangioma itself has shrunk considerably in size. Now she happily plays on the floor next to her siblings and is in a good mood most of the time! Her favorite place to be is in the corner of the mat on her tummy so that she can watch everything that is happening in the room. The tone in her legs has definitely improved, and she has serious abs of steel. She can easily hold herself up on her arms for 45 minutes at a time (see photo below of her and Grandmacita). Her smiles are precious because we have had so few of them up until now. It’s so nice to have a daughter who actually seems to enjoy life!

So there you have it! 7 ½ months old and they are all rolling around and playing. (I uploaded a video of the babies following a rattle if you care to see it.) This week, Sean and I plan on getting gates up to block off our living room and lower their cribs so that they don’t launch themselves out. Yikes! I thought my life was crazy up to now. I’m really dreading when they start crawling! Who needs a workout when you are chasing FOUR crawling babies?!


We are officially under lockdown for this year’s RSV and flu season.  We had fun taking the kids to grandparents’ houses a few times this summer, but from now until May, our kids won’t leave the house unless we have a doctor’s appointment (or we lose power again, but let’s all pray that doesn’t happen!) We are very serious about our lockdown because it could very well mean the difference between a hospital stay for everybody or getting to spend the cold weather safely at home. Most everyone knows that we have tried to keep our babies away from extra people since they came home, but now that’s crucial. Other than a few select people who come to help me during the day and our families, we can’t let anyone in the house. We have had a few people stop by without making prior arrangements with us. Although we know friends always have good intentions, we ask that you please respect what we are trying to do to stay on schedule, make it to our appointments, and protect our kids by not coming by the house unannounced. Come May, things will get easier for us, but for now, we are going to be doing our best impersonations of hermits. 🙂 Thanks for understanding!!


And for your enjoyment, a slew of photos in no particular order!


7 Month Photo! (clockwise from bottom left corner) Caleb, Abby, Ellie, and Eli

First Picnic: We completely rearranged our house over Labor Day Weekend. Our living room no longer looks like a nursery! All of the kids are now sleeping in their own cribs upstairs. On Labor Day, we had our two families over for a backyard picnic. We threw a big blanket our on the grass and put all of the attending babies out there to enjoy the sun. This photo is of our four kids plus their cousin Aly. Our girls weren’t too thrilled with the great outdoors. Their other cousin, Marissa, was running around playing and unfortunately we didn’t catch her in the photo.  (clockwise from lower left corner): Elijah, Abby, Caleb, Ellie, and Aly

At the end of September, my grandpa, Paul Taylor from New Mexico (I grew up down there for those of you who didn’t know that) and my Aunt Mary Helen flew up to meet their new relatives. I was SO excited when I heard that my 91-year-old grandpa was willing to get on a plane to come visit us! Caleb, Ellie, Abby, and Eli 

Four Generations! Ellie, Mommy, Caleb, Great-Grandpa, Elijah, Grandmacita, and Abby

We took a bunch of great photos, but I LOVE this photo of Abby smiling at her Great-Grandpa. 

This was just hilarious! Aunt Mary Helen sat on the floor, and I started piling babies up for a photo. Somehow, Abby ended up on the bottom of the pile. Haha! She took it so well but eventually didn’t think that having her brothers sit on her was the best idea. We were all laughing so hard! Caleb (in yellow), Abby, Eli, and Ellie with Aunt Mary Helen

This is a precious photo also! Great-Grandpa suddenly decided that he wanted to play on the floor with Ellie. 91 years old and he got on the floor! He’s obviously still full of energy and fun!

How cute is this photo? I caught all three of them smiling! 🙂  Elijah, Daddy, and Caleb

Ever wondered how much formula a quad family goes through in a month? Yes, I do attract attention when I go to Walmart.

Don’t you just love jeans on babies? I do!  Ellie, Elijah, Abby, and Caleb 

Brothers!!  Caleb and Elijah 

Getting So Big!  Caleb, Abby, Elijah, and Ellie 

–Posted by Becca

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A Little of This, A Little of That

Exhausted seems to be the overwhelming feeling these days. I know I’m running on fumes when I start to feel nauseous. I’m not sick, just so tired that I feel sick. Blah. Sean and I pretty much live from caffeine dose to caffeine dose (iced coffee, sweet tea, diet Dr. Pepper) these days. I have this theory that our moms purposely withheld information from us about morning sickness, pregnancy pains, and post delivery exhaustion in an effort to increase the population and get grandbabies. Hmm…and I have every intention of doing the same thing to my daughters. 🙂


I can’t wait for when the babies start talking. I LOVE the cute things that kids say and how literally they take everything. Until then, I have Sean to provide the humor. Here is an example of conversations that happen at our house:

Me: Caleb, you smell. You need a bath.
Sean: Maybe your mom can stay an extra 20 minutes tomorrow and help you give the kids baths.
Me: Wow, you really have no idea how long it takes to give all of them baths, do you?
Sean: It takes longer than 20 minutes??

Hehe! Sean always keeps me laughing, no matter how tired I get!


The babies’ personalities are continuing to develop. It is pretty amazing to me how different they all are being this small. In fact, Sean and I even gave each of the babies one of the seven dwarves’ names.

Caleb is Happy. Always okay with whatever we throw his way whether it is sleeping, eating, lying awake in his crib, or looking up at his jungle gym. He is so cute when we wake him up to feed him! Most people do that squinty-eyed, blinky thing to try to wake up. Caleb’s eyes shoot wide open and he stares around him like he can’t quite place where he is. Hehe!

Abby is Sleepy. Definitely our baby who sleeps this most. She’s also the quietest and most content to wait her turn to eat or have her diaper changed. She has had us worried since we brought her home because she tires out while eating and won’t finish her bottles. At the suggestion of one of our nurse friends who comes to help me, we switched her to a higher flow nipple on her bottle. It’s done wonders! She is able to get through a bottle without falling asleep now. That is a huge sigh of relief to us. She is also completely mesmerized by her daddy. All he has to do is walk into the room and start talking and you can tell that she cues right into his voice. Earlier today, he started reading Cinderella to her when she was a little upset and she calmed down to listen to him talking to her. Such a daddy’s girl! She also surprised us with her first smile on Thursday! Her first smile went to Grandmacita (my mom), but we’ve been able to get a couple out of her for ourselves since then.

Elijah is Doc. How did he end up with that dwarf? Mostly because all that was left for us to choose from by the time we gave him a name were Doc, Bashful, Sneezy, and Doopy. The last three didn’t fit him, so Doc it is. Elijah is a little bit more high-strung than Caleb, but still the most laid back when it comes to medical procedures…and that boy has certainly had his fair share. Really, as long as everyone respects his personal space, he is pretty content. The little cutie gave me his first smile on Thursday morning as well. We haven’t really been able to get much more out of him since then, but I’m pretty sure it was a real smile and not just a baby twitch. I think Eli is the most bored of all of the babies at this point. I’m excited to be getting some crib toys in the mail from Kami, one of my fellow quad mamas, this week. I think all of the babies, but especially Eli will enjoy them when they get here.

Ellie is Grumpy. She looks like such a little cherub in the pictures, but if she wore panties, they would constantly be in a wad. She’s generally only happy if she is asleep or eating. My favorite nickname for her is The Little Tomato. It is amazing how fast that little girl can scrunch up her face and turn red when she’s upset. A couple of days ago, she was squawking about something in spite of Sean trying to feed her. Finally, he picked her up, held her directly in front of his face and said, “Those two extra minutes in the womb did wonders for your personality!” Ellie makes us laugh the most because there is just no middle ground with her. She’s either completely happy or completely upset. Hey, we have to take the laughs where we can get them in our situation!

Which leaves me with the big question: Will they follow the stereotypical birth order types? Since they were only one minute apart (except for Ellie who got stuck and took two whole minutes to make her appearance), will it even apply?


Around Christmas time, Abundant Moments was having a gift certificate drawing that people could enter. Low and behold, I actually won! I never win anything! We won a newborn photography package where they take photos 4-5 times during the first year of the baby’s life. The only problem I had with the package was that we had four newborns. They were kind enough to work with us and include all of the babies in the package. Yay!

A couple of weeks ago, Debra came out with her assistant to take the first round of photos. Debra gave me written permission to post a few of my favorite photos to our blog. How cute are these little people??


The Babies: Caleb, Elijah, Ellie, and Abby 

The Girls: Ellie and Abby 

The Boys: Caleb and Elijah 

The photo of all four babies was taken right after Elijah peed on Ellie, Abby, and photographer. And the only baby that is really asleep in these photos is Abby. Debra is a very good photographer to get quadruplets to hold still, act asleep, and put herself in the direct line of pee in order to get some cute photos of the babies. We are due for our second session in a couple of months when we get to do a family photo!


And our last update, but certainly not least is that the Kansas City Star contacted us last week about writing a follow up article about our family. Jenee, who wrote the first article, came out to the house to meet the babies she wrote about back on January 1st. She wrote another very kind, very well-written article about our family. If you would like to read her article, you can see it here.

Each baby has a memory box that we like to add special things to. Their micro-preemie knit hats, tiny blood pressure cuffs, articles written about them, and onesies with their names on them will all end up in their boxes. Hopefully, someday they will enjoy reading the blog about their first months of life and seeing the little things that we are saving for them.

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